One Little Podcast

Get to Know the Hosts: Disney Favorites

Dominique & Laura Season 1 Episode 1

Dominique and Laura chat about some of their Disney favorite on-screen and in-park! Learn what fuels their love for the magic and what to expect in coming episodes. 

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Dominique and Laura  0:00  
Hi, I'm Dominique. And I'm Laura. And this is one little podcast, A look into our Disney-fied lives and ways to bring a little magic into yours. Hey, Dominique, I'm so excited to finally be doing our podcast. I can't believe the day is finally here. I feel like we talked about it like everybody else for all of 2020. And here we are. I'm just I'm so excited to not only get to chat with you all the time, but to get to share those chats and share what we love about life and Disney with everybody and all of our listeners.

Laura  0:40  
Yeah, I'm really excited. You know, I'm really good at starting projects, and not finishing them. But months ago, when you made me buy mic equipment, I knew it was gonna happen. So I'm really excited. You know, we did all the back work, and then we pretended it wasn't happening for a while.

Dominique Mastrototoro  1:00  
And then we were like, We got we're gonna do that. I think especially with trips planned, and the parks back open and life, somewhat normal, whatever that looks like that. Wee have so much content that we're excited to share, and so many ideas that we have in our spreadsheet that we just are like dying to share with you guys. And if you follow either of us on Instagram or have had the joy of meeting us in real life, you know that we love to talk.

Unknown Speaker  1:31  

Dominique Mastrototoro  1:32  
What better platform than you getting to listen to us talk about Disney and our families. Yes, one of the things we're very good at. What do you say we get started by sharing some deep dark secrets. No, I'm just sharing some rapid fire questions with our listeners about a few of our Disney favorites.

Laura  1:55  
Yeah, I think that would be really good. A quick get to know Yeah, if we haven't already, you know, burned your ears with our stories. This will be good for you. So Alright, do you want to go first? You want me to ask you a question first, and then you'll shoot it back at me? Yeah, go right ahead. Okay. When was your first Disney visit?

Dominique Mastrototoro  2:13  
I am an 80s baby. But my first trip was in 1990.

I was four years old. And my dad actually took my mom, my two grandmas and I in our motor home from Massachusetts to Disney. And we took 21 days. And we stopped along the way we went to church Street Station, which is in Florida. And then we spent all of our time at Disney at Disney's fort wilderness campground, you know, way back then. It was just the campground. Um, I think it's kind of ironic that now that's my DVC home is copper Creek, which is, you know, an annex to the first place I ever stayed. So that's kind of special in my heart. Yeah, but I loved the campground. I love the petting zoo and getting to be at the campground but getting to be in the magic. And someday I will find video to share with you guys of all the places that I got to be called up on stage because my mom always had us at shows about 45 minutes early. So I always got picked to go up on stage. Oh, nice.

Laura  3:32  
Oh, was that your family's first trip? Because you definitely grew up in a Disney Parks family. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  3:38  
no, my dad had been and he had actually gone to the opening of Epcot. Oh, cool. Yeah. So his family took him to the opening of Epcot. And he was a big Disney family. He brought my mom either before they were married, or before I was born. One of those two . And then I mean, we just it it snowballed. And you know my grandma's loved going. We did a couple girls trips. It's just our home. 

Laura  4:09  
Yeah. Yeah. It does kind of become your home, doesn't it?

Dominique Mastrototoro  4:14  
Alright, are you ready? I know. It's a tough question. Okay. I'm ready. When was your first visit?

Laura  4:21  
So I would say that I was always like a Disney kid. I loved the movies. I love the princesses. I loved all the things. But I did not go as a child. So Sean and I got married in 2014. And then he planned a surprise trip in 2016. So I was 26 the first time I went and one day we'll get him on here to tell you about all like the stress planning and then him thinking I wasn't having a good time and him thinking that this was like a one and done. We'll be back in a couple years. Just like all of the misconceptions he has to ask.

Dominique Mastrototoro  5:04  
So when did you go in 2016? Because that's when Justin and I got engaged at Disney. Sep, tember we were there in April.

Laura  5:15  
I was gonna say you were spring right? Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah. See our paths were always crossing. Yeah. Um, but yeah, we had a really good trip we did five days. No, I think we did a full week and we rode almost every ride. Like, truly, this was like pre kids. And we just went all day. So and I don't know how we managed it. But like, one day, I'm gonna make a list of all the places we went. And yeah, I came home and I was hooked. And so here we are. I'm finally made him get us passholders because it just made sense. just signed up for DVC a couple weeks ago, because it just makes sense. And yeah, we're kind of hooked. And now we have a Disney Princess. And one day, she'll be telling people that she went at six weeks old. So there you go.

Dominique Mastrototoro  6:11  
I love it. I love that. And I love that it was your first trip, but it has become such a family thing for you guys. And you've gotten to experience so many magical moments there. And that she can look back and say that as well.

Laura  6:28  
Yeah. Yeah, I think it's nice. We still have photos from our first trip up on our wall. And she'll get like really excited and be like, oh, there's mom and dad at the castle or like with Oh, that picture is with mom with Bello like and so you know, it's kind of cool that she gets to see that. So,yeah. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  6:47  
So you mentioned that you were definitely a Disney kid. So now I need to know. What is your favorite Disney movie? 

Laura  6:58  
I think you might know. And I think it's gonna be people will be like, wow, that makes so much sense. She's such a dork. My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast. It always has been. If I didn't say it already. I don't think I did. our daughter's name is Bellamy and we call her Belle. So there's a little bit of stress that our next kids will be like, how did she get the name from your favorite movie? And so we're just gonna start calling her Bellamy, but it's always been my favorite. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  7:28  
Um, you can name him Lumiere. That's true. No, 

Laura  7:35  
we like his nickname could be like Lumi. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  7:38  
Yeah, therefore, I'm here. 

Laura  7:41  
Yeah, we're definitely still taking name requests.

Dominique Mastrototoro  7:43  
So yeah. All right, guys. We'll have to put up look for this on Instagram name requests for Laura's future fridge?

Laura  7:51  
Yes, yes, please. Alright, so I won't go into a long story about why I love the movie. So tell me what is your favorite Disney movie and I don't think I have a clue at all.

Dominique Mastrototoro  8:02  
So it's actually also beauty in the beast. Oh, um, I I just love Belle's story. And her desire to have more an adventure and the great wife somewhere. But also recognizing the importance of home and family. And I've got to say I also just in the original animated feature, and in the live action of the castle help. I mean, they're so well done. There's so well written Lumiere and Cogsworth. And then their transformations at the end, from their animated selves to their human forms. And when they become human again, and the little touches, like they just always make my heart so happy. Um, and I mean, the soundtrack. I mean, it's so good. It's so good. 

Laura  9:06  
I think sometimes people get confused just in general when I I'm like, I enjoy Disney music and it's like, well, that's kids music like, No, these soundtracks are written by like, composers. This is like Broadway music like it just because you think it's a kid's movie. Like, it's so much of it isn't it's just so

I. Yeah, it's really good.

Unknown Speaker  9:32  
So are they are they one in the same? What's your favorite character?

Laura  9:38  
My favorite character is Princess Belle, I have to say. And I will say I think looking back on it. I love books. And so I loved that she loved reading. Um, and you know today the modern air quotes. Modern princesses are very light. kick butt and they're saving their families. And they're doing all that. And there can be maybe some criticism from people saying like, well, Ariel just loved Prince Eric. And like, you know, they were and I don't think that any of that is true. I think all the princesses are very strong in their own right. But I feel like Princess Belle was one of the kind of, maybe first that it was very clear how strong she was like, she was going to save her father, she was comfortable being different in a world where that was not acceptable. And I think you see, especially in the live action when Emma Watson like, makes the washer like the clothes washer, and like she was just so ahead of her time and like, didn't care that people thought that was weird. And I just, I think that's why I've always kind of loved her. So go ahead, tell me, are we going to have all the same answers? 

Dominique Mastrototoro  10:57  
No, no, I think after this, it's going to change. My favorite character is also Belle but for a lot of the same reasons. But also, um, some of you may not know this, I was older when I got married. So Justin, and I got married in 2018. I was 32. 

Laura  11:14  
Were very prepared, I was a very young bride, very much less prepared. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  11:19  
That's what it is we'll go with I was prepared. Um, but I always loved that. She, she knew that she wanted a man to be her partner, and to work with her and to adventure with her. And I mean, God loved guest on but he was not that guy. And I just always very much identified with the it's okay to be alone and it's okay to kind of forge your own path. And you know, sit in your room and read a book one day and then go off and save the world the next day. I'm not necessarily need someone behind you, but instead someone next to you. Yeah. Let's see if we break. favorite villain.

Laura  12:17  
Okay, this one took me a really long time, because only until recently did I start appreciating the villains? If you guys know my sister, Hallie, you know that I'm the princess girl. And Hallie's, the villain girl. So I had to consult her on this question, but my answer is guest on and it's for this simple reason. For all the characteristics that I love Belfour. They're the opposite of who I am as a person. So I would have been in love I would have been have been that I would have been in love with guest on, I would have fallen all over him. I would have been so sad that he loved Belle and not me. And so that is why I chose him. So in my older age, I have have taken on more of the independent qualities of Princess Belle, but I was definitely that girl chasing the boys in the playground at school. relentless, so

Dominique Mastrototoro  13:15  
yeah, have you ever had a really good guest on Park interaction? Because he is one of my favorite meet and greets when those were a thing?

Laura  13:23  
Yeah he's a good one. He met Belle our belle at six weeks old. And it was like very funny. He was like, Oh, my my girlfriend's name is also bell. Like he is a very good he has a very good meet and greet. Yeah. I enjoy his meet and greet. Yeah, he's very into himself. Okay, are we gonna break? Let's see, are we going to break 321 favorite villain?

Dominique Mastrototoro  13:50  
Scar. Oh, so I also think he is probably the most evil villain. Um but sarcasm will get me every darn time. Oh for sure. Is apathetic. lackadaisical? sarcasm brings like my tiny cynical heart. so much joy. Yeah, I can see that. I'm like this scene where he's in the cave with Zazu and zazzy was like in the little cage and ah, I just I love him. I love him so much. And he's so evil and I hate what he does. No spoiler alerts, I guess. Yeah.

Laura  14:49  
Yeah, that's a good one. I'm gonna throw out a Sean knowledge tidbit I can't think of the word I'm trying to say cuz he just always read Everything and knows everything. Do you know that scars eyes are green because they're green with envy? I did not but that is a fun fact. Now you do. Yeah. Fun fact that Sean's got all those weird dad fun facts, so if you ever need to know anything,

Dominique Mastrototoro  15:16  
alright podcasters if you ever need to trivia me, yeah, you need find Sean.

Laura  15:21  
He's a good one. He's a good one for sure. Okay, so let's move away from the movies and villains and people. Okay, this is such a hard one. And you know my opinion on having to choose one. Go ahead. Favorite Park. Oh, okay.

Dominique Mastrototoro  15:38  
So for me this is like picking a favorite child which is probably why I don't have children yet. Um, cuz it seems like it would be really hard.

Unknown Speaker  15:47  

Dominique Mastrototoro  15:49  
I would have to say Magic Kingdom only because it feels like home. And that's my arrival in that park is the first time I feel like I'm at Disney. But if we're talkingfood, Epcot, hands down, you know, I'm eating my way through there. So much good food so much good. Like, I mean, I love the Magic Kingdom. And Laura and I already have tons of ideas of going over like our favorite Park stuff and park tips and food. Um, so just real quick. Like I Magic Kingdom doesn't have like it's food doesn't do it for me. I love me and Mickey pretzel. Loved Me and Monkey Bar monkey sandwich. I do love Skipper canteen. But it just it doesn't do it for me in terms of food.

Laura  16:43  
It feels very limited. Like when I'm when we're doing a Magic Kingdom day. And I'm trying to think like, what are we going to eat or whatever. And it just feels like I have like three choices. Yeah, I could say three choices that would make me feel really happy. So I agree with your statement.

Dominique Mastrototoro  17:00  
So that's why you love it and why you don't love the food. You know, I walk in and they're there and they're singing right down the middle of Main Street USA, you know, the tears well up and then there's the castle. And that to me is is Disney and Walt Disney World. So for that reason, I'm saying Magic Kingdom and I'm sticking with it. Okay, because if you give me more time I'll change my answer. Yeah, no, you're done. Okay. You're not letting me off guys know getting you off.

Laura  17:32  
Okay, fun fact, for our first trip, Sean did all the planning. Okay, I and we can talk about this one day. I had no clue. Any I just knew that there was a Disney World like I didn't know details. I didn't know anything. And he actually saved Magic Kingdom as our last stop. So it was like day four before we saw Magic Kingdom. And I don't think that that it wasn't a bad thing. But it kind of created this build up because then you like turn like I didn't know what Main Street looks like I didn't look up things. I didn't whenever any, like turn down the street and there's a castle and it's just like, Oh my gosh, like Yeah, wow, is everything. Anyway, I agree. That's a good one. All right. Ready? Favorite part. Okay. This would change. This could always change. I have reasons. This is not normally my favorite Park. Like number one, but I won't go into it. But right now it's up that because I am pregnant. I can't ride too many rides. I can ride Soarin' which is like one of my top rides. And I can eat all the food. And depending on how I'm feeling that day, there are so many food options.

Dominique Mastrototoro  18:52  
No to anyone listening to this podcast. Look for a Laura at a food booth. Yeah, in Epcot this fall.

Laura  18:59  
Yes. Just look for the shade, and I will be there eating. So good. And pregnant belly got it. Yeah, so that is, it was a tough one. But right now that one makes my heart feel happy. Yes. So

Dominique Mastrototoro  19:16  
yeah. So I feel like from our answers, our decision in both the parks and in real life are very food motivated.

Laura  19:26  

Unknown Speaker  19:29  
So what is your favorite snack in each park?

Laura  19:32  
Okay. I'm excited for this one. Because obviously, as you just said, food is like critical to everything we do in life. Right. So I'm just gonna go down my list Hollywood studios, the lunchbox tart at Woody's lunchbox such a good one caveat is I can only call it my favorite if it's the blueberry lemon, which is they're all seasonal. Yep. But nothing, nothing. Have them speak to me like the blueberry. So okay, at magic kingdom is the spring rolls or egg rolls, they call them two different things. I don't know what the difference is, it's in the adventure land so it's just a little spring roll cart.

Dominique Mastrototoro  20:16  
I've never gotten those and I've heard such good things about them. They're so good

Laura  20:21  
and they're always there's always two flavors and they they're kind of like shuffle what they are. So you kind of don't know what you're gonna get. But if you love egg rolls, spring rolls. I don't know what makes them different if you love those things that are so delicious. The cart does close before park so I'm not sure in current times when it closes but I have realized before like it closed after five. So if you're looking to get one, make it a priority for the day. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  20:52  
Okay, guys, you heard it here first get your rolls before five. 

Laura  20:55  
Yes. So good. Um, Epcot. I couldn't. I had to pick two. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  21:05  
I didn't know we could cheat, but I okay. 

Laura  21:08  
I'm pretty sure I like shout it out. I'm picking two for Epcot. Okay. Okay. Oh, if you need to add a second one. And you can Alright, but the macrons in France, obviously. Yeah, I mean, hello. And the school bread in Norway.

Dominique Mastrototoro  21:29  
I forgot.That's your like your jam.

Laura  21:31  
Ah, the only thing I wish with the school bread is that they would give you a side of like the cream. So you could like so every I don't want like a million pounds of cream. I want every little bite to have just a little bit of the cream.

Dominique Mastrototoro  21:48  
Alright, Disney, Disney Parks food. If you're listening. Are you listening? Please include a shot of the school bread cream that's with the actual school bread. 

Laura  21:58  
Yeah. And then all of the actual Norwegian young men and women working there can just judge me at how American I am because I want to side of the sweet stuff. It's more it is more than Okay, so quick aside,

Unknown Speaker  22:16  
Justin and I the day we got engaged he proposed on the day we had dinner at Akerhus and we got a tray. I mean, like a charcuterie size tray of all of the Norwegian desserts. . And this adorable little statue of two of the trolls married and it's like one of my most treasured souvenirs. But the desserts were so good.

Laura  22:54  
No, that is that would have made me really happy to go. I like that. You got that that would have made me really happy. The trolls are the best. They're so cute. They're cute. Exactly. It's the perfect combo. So I'm down the animal kingdom. I really had to look through for this one. And then once I found that I was like da so it's the blueberry cream cheese mousse from the toolies canteen. Yes. So good. We don't eat there enough. But every time we do I have to get it. I mean,  it's so light. Yes. It's so light and refreshing. I think the flavor is like really like it's a good balance. You know, like you get that like bite but it's not like overpowering. So yes, yes.

Dominique Mastrototoro  23:49  
Okay, I appreciate all of your choices. I'm gonna have to make sure I try every single one of them next time I go.

Laura  23:54  
Yeah, you're allowed to add an extra because you know I did two aat EPCOT. No pressure. You don't have to, but favorite snacks in each Park.

Dominique Mastrototoro  24:04  
Okay, well, since you're giving me the okay, I'm going to add one overall. Okay, now and that is that I have to have my Joffrey's coffee every single day that I'm in the parks; the Shakin' Jamaican cold brew is my favorite. But I really try and get the park specific ones. So like the round 'em up latte at Hollywood, the mission to s'mores at Magic, Animal Kingdom has the lions latte, which is really good. Oh, it's in the cart I believe it's in the cart over by flame tree. Okay, um, and then Epcot, I typically get my Shakin' Jamaican or whatever festival flavor they have. Well, I'm going to take the liberty of my one extra snack and use As an overall snack that I have, I like that legitimately every day.

Laura  25:06  
You're very good at getting your Joffrey's coffee. Yeah, I'm very good at forgetting about it. So you're you're good at being like,

Dominique Mastrototoro  25:19  
So Magic Kingdom, I guess I'm just basic. It's the Mickey pretzel with the plastic cheese. Oh, is there anything better than plastic cheese? We're not trying to lose listeners here. So if you don't like the plastic cheese, please know that we do not discriminate, right? But the plastic cheese is where it's so good. It's warm. It's so good. At Hollywood Studios. This was gone for a hot minute while they were building galaxy's edge and I wasn't sure if it would come back. And it's back. It's the carrot cake. whoopie pie. 

Laura  26:00  
I have heard I haven't tried though. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  26:02  
It used to be at what was it called? I believe it was called writer's block. It was this tiny little store and cafe. Fun fact you can all you can now find some of the props from that location in baseline in the like bookshelf area. Oh love when Disney does that. Um, but the carrot cake will be pie is like as big as my face with like a cream cheese walnut. whoopie pie filling.

Laura  26:34  
you're describing this to Well, I'm like,

Dominique Mastrototoro  26:37  
Oh, god, it's so good. I'll stop and move on to Epcot once again, we're the same. It's the macaron. 

Laura  26:44  
Did you have to say a fancy like that after I didn't. Fancy like that. Did you have to come out and you like that? 

Dominique Mastrototoro  26:51  
I don't care if they're the ones they have all the time. I don't care if they're the seasonal ones. Yeah. One of my favorites is the Christmas one with peppermint ice cream .Oh, you get at, I can't say this word. The Artisan Glace. Yes. Ice cream place. Yeah. For those of us who took seven years of Spanish. And you it's it's to macaron with the peppermint ice cream in the middle. Go. Just go. That's just amazing. And then at Animal Kingdom, it's the pongo lupia. So it's over in Pandora. It's the little hut that serves the drinks. Hmm. And it's the cream cheese. It's like cream cheese filled filo dough, essentially. And it's just delicious. So apparently I just really liked things with filling is the moral of this story.

Laura  27:55  
I'm also a filling person. cream cheese, I think is my weakness.

Unknown Speaker  28:01  
Yes. So yeah, should try it. It's delicious. It served warm. Hmm. Um, that's it. I just I'm getting really hungry. Yeah, yeah, I think was that was a really good list.

Laura  28:15  
Yeah. I I'm gonna steal some of yours. But I think we need to move on to favorite resorts. Yeah, I start eating something. Oh, yeah, I'm literally my kitchen is right here. So before we dive in, we want you guys to know we broke these down into the different levels of resort that Disney offers. So we have we couldn't obviously just limit ourselves to one did you just hear our desserts? Not so we each have a deluxe, a moderate and a value. So Laura Europe first. Just let us know which category it's in and tell us okay.

I'm excited. also expect us to do a bigger overhaul of our favorite resorts in a later episode. If that's something you guys haven't been to Walt Disney World or you're looking for to try new places. Keep your ear out for that, because we definitely are going to dive into why these places are our favorite and whatnot at some point. I can't wait. I can't wait for that episode. So I will start with value. Because there's no correct way to start this. And my favorite value is Art of Animation. The caveat there is a lot of people consider it to be priced as a moderate because two of the if you've ever been to a away it's three different sections. Is it three or four I'm sorry, it's four different sections. So the Little Mermaid section is priced more out of value. And then the three other sections are Lion King, Finding Nemo, and cars and those are family suites. So they're not the same as DVC Deluxe Suites but they are like a living room a living area with Pull down beds, and then the bedroom area separate. So the caveat is those get priced a little bit closer to moderate. But the theming of the resort is a very true to Disney value. It's fully themed. Each land is beautiful. It feels like you're walking through the like Cars Land. Like if you've ever been to, well, if you've ever seen the movie, but if you've ever been to California, like that whole park, it's like a little miniature area, kind of like that. So I won't get into too much detail, because we'll talk about later. But that's definitely my favorite value. It definitely makes you smile when you go in there. And you're like, wow, I'm kind of like under the sea. And like, you know, the NEMO poll is the coolest thing. So yeah, that's my favorite. Do you want me to keep going? Or do you want to shoot off your favorite value,

Dominique Mastrototoro  30:56  
I'll shoot off mine. So my favorite value is the Disney All Star resorts, all three of them. Because I love, as a runner, I love that I can run through all three of them and experience all three of them. I love that they're in close enough proximity that I can eat at a different themed dining hall every day. And they're just like, kind of like you said about AoA. The feeling of them is so well done. And everything is larger than life. In the  Toy Story section. One of the RC cars like myself and my husband can fit in it. So it's not even like it's just for little kids. Yeah, you know, there's a giant game of Twister on the ground. I'm the sports one. The All Star Sports Resort has like actual sports teams every time we go Justin gets really excited when he finds the Syracuse logo. Yeah, he's like, go orange. So I just I for me, I really enjoy them. And I love like you said we'll get into more about it in another podcast episode. But Disney themes, their value resorts very, very well.

Laura  32:16  
Oh, yeah. I mean, it's high quality. And it's like, if you're a kid, you're like, wow. And if you're an adult, you're wow for a different reason. So if this like if you want to be engulfed in the magic from start to finish, like slathered on there your best bets are value. It's not like weirdly cheeky it's like done perfectly. I mean, it's Disney, right? I love it. I love I mean, I was hard for me to pick. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  32:47  
What's your favorite Moderate? 

Laura  32:49  
Okay, so my favorite moderate? This kind of? I'm gonna kind of answer this the way you did is Riverside and French Quarter because they kind of are their sister resorts. Yep. To sleep in, I mean, I could choose either, but I Riverside I love the feel that it has. We've never stayed in the princess rooms there. But that's definitely on our list. They're amazing.

Dominique Mastrototoro  33:13  
I'm very excited. My mom and I stayed there for my Bachelorette trip. Oh, nice. And it was amazing.

Laura  33:22  
Yeah. And it's like I wanted to stay there before I had a kid and now I have a kid that would love it. So it's just like it'll definitely be worth it. Um, but French Quarter, much smaller resort compared to Riverside is huge. But French Quarter has some of the best food I think on Disney campus. And they also have the beignets. And you can get like shrimp and grits for breakfast. So good. And I just have to like sit at another table from Shawn because he's allergic to shrimp but I can't not get it so there's just like a rule like don't share my drinks Don't touch my fork and don't kiss me for like an hour but I so good. So yeah, and you can walk you can walk between them just like it loops they both loop around the lake there so you know it's kind of a fun thing no matter where you say you can get your family on a walk. And I don't know if they're doing it anymore. I'll just do a quick shout out and we can look into it for Next Episode.

Unknown Speaker  34:21  
They used to do the beignet dashes. I made my mom do it with me and she was less than thrilled when I found that the beignets were only like $4, "why did we just run I would have paid $4 right." But we still have our beads and our little scrapbook and our little medal and you got some exercise, right it's fantastic. Fun fact if you didn't know maybe you do hotel used to only be known as Disney's Port Orleans resort with the sister hotel known as Disney's Dixie landings resort. I actually had a chance to stay there with my mom, my aunt and my grandma's back in late 1991. We stayed on the Dixie landings property. About 10 years later, Disney got rid of the Dixie landing side and converted that into the river side and combined it all under Disney's port Orleans making one side French Quarter and one side Riverside. Now the cool fact is that there's actually a giant oak that used to be in the center of the properties and is now split between the two. If you're near the pool area on the Port Orleans  side, you can actually see half of the tree with a big plaque explaining its story. It's a fun little fact. And I love that Disney does things

Unknown Speaker  35:46  

Laura  35:48  
Rhat's so cool. I could like barely keep a cucumber plant alive this this season. So I can't imagine that they like took a tree and made it

Dominique Mastrototoro  35:57  
That's amazing. Um, I also now I'm like, man, I should have put that because that is one of my favorite resorts. 

Laura  36:04  
They're good, but go ahead and stick to your stick to your original Go ahead. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  36:09  
Hey, okay, I'm trying here. Disney's Coronado Springs Resort and now grand destino tower. Yeah, I love again. This is all comes back to theming I have not stayed in it since it's been re-themed. But I love the concept of Coronado springs. I love the Casitas and the Rancheros. I love the main pool with the pyramid. I did have the opportunity to check out Dahlia lounge last time I was in the parks. I mean, we'll dive more into like fun places to eat and view things later. But Wow

Laura  36:56  
It's really beautiful. And the last The only time I stayed there was when they were building that because that's where three bridges is right. Yes. Yep. They were building that and so we haven't got a chance to go but I got a little like wink wink from a cast member that when he has family in town, that's where he takes them because it's some of just like the best food.

Dominique Mastrototoro  37:20  
I got we we did get to eat at three bridges. Last time we were there and I will vouch for drinks and food. Huh. delish. Okay, I'm excited. I think you know, my favorite Deluxe. If you follow me on Instagram, there's really no hiding what my favorite Deluxe is? Hmm. It's Disney's boardwalk. Hmm. I just love it. Because it

Laura  37:48  
Does it make you feel close to me, because I'm from like, basically the Atlantic City area.

Dominique Mastrototoro  37:53  
That's why right. That's what it is. I'm an East Coast girl through and through, like I could never live anywhere that is not near an ocean. Again, the theming. But for this one. I'm like the older I get and the more I enjoy my personal level. It's the walkability for me, my husband, Justin and I set our Garmin watches and timed the walk. And it was like 14 minutes to Hollywood and nine to Epcot. And you just kept closing down a park and not having to get on a crowded bus is everything to me? Oh, sure, especially now with the skyline are right there, getting the opportunity to go over to Riviera for breakfast, Topolino Terrace, or the quick service. having the chance to get to Epcot and then use Epcot as a way to get to Magic Kingdom like all the things I can do to avoid a bus.I also enjoy the opportunity to have ice cream or pizza at the end of my night. So for walkability and theming and food, Disney's boardwalk in

Laura  39:21  
it's a good one, definitely it's a good one. I like it. It's very like well, they're all well done, but it just like feels really nice in there like and the rooms feel really nice and like it is we went just this year, it was our first time there and we were in Epcot with Belle and it was just Shawn and I and like at the end of the night like we were just watched the lines of people waiting to get on the skyliner and granite like fielding later I resort. I resort switch to Caribbean so I was one of those people. But it was like I was like oh my gosh, this is just a minute. It's the only way I would do New Year's Eve and Disney is Yeah, I did Epcot as my Park and stayed at one of those resorts or if I did Magic Kingdom as my Park and stayed at one of the ones you can walk there.

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