One Little Podcast

What to Pack for a Disney Vacation

Disney w/ Dominique & Laura Season 1 Episode 3

Be prepared! Dominique and Laura have made their lists and now they're checking it twice and sharing the secrets with all of you. Get ready for your most prepared Disney trip ever after this episode!

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Laura  0:07  
Hi, Dominique, I'm so excited to chat with you today.

Dominique Mastrototoro  0:11  
Hi Laura, I can't believe we are already on episode three. I'm really excited. I am just blown away by all the support that we've received and the downloads that we've had. I know Laura and I both love checking in and seeing those numbers climb. So thank you guys so much for basically just listening to the two of us talk to each other for a half hour every couple of weeks. It's really, really special.

Laura  0:37  
Yeah, it is. And I have to say, That's truly what's happening here is like we would have be having this phone calls anyway, so we just record them. And hopefully, you guys find some value or humor in them.

Dominique Mastrototoro  0:50  
Because this week's episode literally would be a phone call today, because we're talking about what we pack when we're going on a Disney vacation. And by the time this episode airs, both of us will have returned but right now we are literally both packing to go on a Disney vacation.

Laura  1:12  
Yes, so there are lists everywhere. In my house, I have a running list. It's like my Disney specific packing list on one note, which is a Microsoft program and so I just go in and I unclick everything I've already clicked you know that I've already checked off and if I'm gonna need it this trip I unclick it and then I go back and I pack it and I check it off again. And it's just like this running tab that I have that helps me stay sane when I'm trying to pack for the weather and wanting to look cute and wanting to look like a princess you know all the things all the things that you need for a Disney trip. Yes, I have to be organized I will say we just got back from a trip down the shore It was totally different packing I mean it always is but I didn't even look at my list this time because I was like it's three nights were down the shore like what do I need? Like I forgot body wash and I guess I have sensitive skin because my skin was not happy with the hotel soap but I was just like you can just throw stuff in if you're just like you know taking a trip down the shore or like you know going to visit a friend but it doesn't it doesn't feel that way when you're going to Disney so

Dominique Mastrototoro  2:21  
one it's funny that you bring up specifically bodywash because for Disney that's something that I actually take out of my overnight bag my makeup bag because I am obsessed with the h2o brand that Disney does in their hotels and so I know that depending on what level of resort you're going to be staying and they'll either have the pumps in the wall or they're still have the little mini to go ones so when I was packing that the other night I literally was like nope don't need my body wash don't use my lotion don't need my conditioner don't need my shampoo because I love that line so much

Laura  2:59  
well question for you as a curly haired girl We both are you use their champion conditioner because I still bring my own shampoo and conditioner.

Dominique Mastrototoro  3:07  
So I do I use the h2o shampoo and conditioner and then I still use all my own product.

Laura  3:14  
Okay, maybe next time maybe when we go down I won't pack shampoo and i'll i'll see I'll see how I feel about it.

Dominique Mastrototoro  3:25  
All right, it's time to reveal what do you pack when you go to Disney.

Laura  3:29  
Too many sneakers because since becoming a runner and a consistent workout or as I like to call myself I used to be a six month on six months off workout or I always have two pair of running sneakers and two pair of crosstraining sneakers and my crosstraining sneakers are my walking sneakers but I don't like to wear them the same day in a row. Because if you talk to the people at the sneaker store they tell you they need like 24 hours to rest so too many sneakers at least two pair if I'm running sometimes for yes it causes arguments. I've tried to cut back I just I don't want to ruin my good sneakers. I wear them all the time. Part of my mom uniform you know what I mean? Like so yeah, too many sneakers and workout gear just in case.

Dominique Mastrototoro  4:24  
I have narrowed it down to packing three pairs of sneakers and wearing one on the plane. So I'll go to my running sneakers is one pair. My workout shoes are a second pair another Park sneaker is my third pair and I always wear the clunkiest of the four that I bring. I used to always bring like a pair of fancy shoes and I don't ever I I wore them on my honeymoon and that's it. So I no longer bring those.

Laura  4:57  
That's smart. I do so bring and I I will wear, like some type of comfortable sandal. Yes. And I usually wind up bringing like two pairs of those. So it's hard. I don't know why I don't I don't know why I can't pair back my shoes a little bit better because you're, I think what it is, is like you're on your feet all day. So it's hard for me to be like,

I don't need these because it's like, I'm gonna be on my feet. I'm not like going to a resort where I'm just like laying by the pool, you know, all day. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  5:30  
And you get one one soaking rain. And your shoes are done for a solid 36 hours. Oh, yeah, there is no drying them out. No, there is no amount of hairdryer that is going to help. Um, so I too, have brought the sandals because there are some times where I'm like, you know what, I would rather just my feet be soaked. Then do my shoes.

Laura  5:54  
That's it's raining here today. And that's how I've dealt with today because I need a new pair of rain boots like mine are just old and not workable anymore. And so I'm like, I'm just gonna wear my sandals. I'd rather my feet get wet then, like have wet sneakers, which just makes me want to gag.

Dominique Mastrototoro  6:09  
Yep, nope, I can't take it. Oh, I didn't think it. I hear you. I also bring, like you said, a couple workout outfits. I've paired that way down. But I can now you know I call it my capsule workout collection. Yeah, I brought three shirts or three shorts. And I can mix and match. If I choose to work out more than three days. It's Yeah, it's okay. No one is gonna see me. It's in my hotel room. I'll use a filter on Instagram. Yeah, it'll be fine. It's not ideal. And then like you said, the biggest thing I think is depending on why you're going down or where you are in your training. You have to bring your run stuff. If I was just going down and you know, I didn't have a marathon coming up. I would I would do a couple of runs. I would bring my belt to keep my phone or put my phone in my pants pocket and move on with my life. But I have four runs while I'm at Disney. And like you joked about what time is it 20 miler and I can't do that without music without my phone without fuel without water. Luckily, I have a friend who's gonna I have two friends who are running with me one running the six mile or so shout out to Stephanie thank you and Apryl will be running the 20 mile part of it with me. So thank you ladies for coming to run with me. So I'm not just running around like a crazy person in shirt. Yeah. But that does take up space in my suitcase, suitcase as well. But again, I know I'm better off for having it because I need to do it.

Laura  7:49  
Yeah, I will typically bring at least one of my running water bottles I have to and I drink a lot of water. So if my run is longer than like four miles I wind up meeting both of them. But I'll usually bring at least one in case I'm going to do a run. And then for hydration for the park I always bring my Yeti water bottle which is 36 ounces, I will bring one of Bellamy's water bottles because she's like me she drinks water all day. So they're not for running but just in general like staying hydrated.

Dominique Mastrototoro  8:27  
I also bring a water bottle I have a dedicated like travel water bottle that goes with me because it fits both in the side of my backpack and inside a loungefly. Oh nice. And I'm I'm the same way like I am always hydrating as soon as we get through security at the airport I'm that person like going up to the water filler. Absolutely filling my water bottle putting my new immunity in it. And I also keep my keep my shaker cup and put in my shakeology. Do it well in advance of your flight like as soon as you get to the airport, grab some water or like run to the little convenience store and get a overpriced almond milk. Yeah, and shake it up and really let it settle. Okay, and then when you open it on the flight after you've gone through all those air pressure changes just open it very cautiously

Laura  9:24  
yeah my my Yeti water bottle is a straw top seemed to get so I mean it's got to be like six ounces of water it feels like that comes out of it

Dominique Mastrototoro  9:39  
guys stay hydrated. Yeah, they like well fed but watch out for those pressure changes and then 

Yeah, that'll. That'll ruin the day for sure. But I don't use a running bell. I actually just put my phone in my pocket which it gets kind of gross but I literally wash it off like when I get home like with a little bit of soap in a wet towel and like any hydration I have, I can stick in the little compartment of my handheld water bottle. So that kind of gives me a little bit of space. The one time I used to running belt was for princess weekend. And it was for I think I used it for both the races, but in the half marathon because I have glasses and I can't wear contacts. I had my sunglasses in my belt, and then the sun came out and I switch and my glasses got scraped by my chapstick. And we were down for like a full other week. And I just couldn't see out of my one eye. So I think I'm just soured to running belts at this point.

That's fair. That's a fair assessment.

Laura  10:44  
Yeah, it was really sad.

Dominique Mastrototoro  10:45  
I actually just found when I was looking for things to share on our podcast, Instagram, I actually just found the video of when we found each other. You're like talking about that in the video, which is really funny. So now I'm gonna have to find it again and post it. Yes, I didn't know that there was a recording of that moment. So I didn't realize there was really audio to it until I really went to find it the other day. And we were talking about how like we looked for each other in the bathroom. And Justin wasn't really sure who to look for. And I was like, look for the girl with classes, but like you hadn't switched yet, like it was. So that it's it's funny that you bring up that specific memory because I there is apparently audio memory.

Laura  11:34  
 That is Wow, that's amazing. And you know what a funny thing that I pack is, I this is what I called them, I don't know what they're actually called. So you can correct me, I call them tau condoms, because if it's hot outside my toes, the tips of my toes will rub on my shoes and it's only in the heat in the winter. I don't need them. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  11:51  
I have no idea what you're talking about. 

Laura  11:53  
They're like, I'm going to I'll find them and I'll show you they're like just little like fabric, things that just go over your toe. Okay, and your toe doesn't rub against your sock and your shoe when you're running. So if I'm in Florida, I have to have my little toe condoms. You've never had to use them.

Dominique Mastrototoro  12:13  
I mean, I'm Mediterranean. I don't think I need them.

Laura  12:21  
there's always one or two bad runs when it gets warm because I don't need them in the winter. But as soon as it's hot like it my feet my sweat extra or something. Sean thinks they're like the grossest things because I like wash them and then let them dry. And he's like, oh, what are these things sitting out in our house like they're drying and I have to wash them. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  12:44  
First I know when we were going through our list I was like shocked at what I have Next on my list and you said you don't bring and I feel like that's just some bad juju. But a poncho.

Laura  13:00  
Yeah, I know. I I could be wrong. I think Sean always has one or two. We've got caught in many rain storms. We have the overpriced Disney parks. We had to buy one on Main Street ponchos Sean also then bought like reusable ones are like a little heavier. So I I just always hope it's not gonna rain. But it probably is bad juju. It's probably better that you pack it. I can't add it to my list. There's too much stuff on my list.

Dominique Mastrototoro  13:41  
It won't rain. So if I see you in the parks, and I know you don't have it on you and it starts raining. I'm blaming nobody but you.

Laura  13:53  
That's it. But you know what I have that I will not leave without is a rain cover for the stroller. Because that is and I know we're going to talk about kids stuff separate but i've i've seen strollers just turn into mush. And my OCD can't handle it. So that I always have

Dominique Mastrototoro  14:20  
every time it rains and I like walk by one of the stroller parking sections. Like my heart just hurts for those parents who don't have the cover is on and you see like the souvenir bags or the like the snack bag that's now just like waterlogged goldfish and like yeah, like and you I'm just like, oh, post pour. Like I'm soaked in my Poncho, but at least I can like function and I'm like watching them trying to put their like small child into basically like a long ride now.

Laura  14:56  
Oh yeah.

Dominique Mastrototoro  14:57  
Your stroller is now just a ride with water. Yeah, so I think that is an excellent an excellent chat.

Laura  15:05  
I can't and I can't remember if it was before we had Bellamy or like she was still little but we had a trip where I can see we were standing on Main Street. And I was looking at like Tony's and the strollers there and one of the stroller seats was a puddle and that was just logged in my brain. And you know what, and not to sound like a bad mom. It's not about keeping Bellamy dry. It's about the stroller. Yeah, because the Bellamy will dry I can take her home, I can give her a warm bath, she will drive this stroller like your shoes could take a day and a half. Mm hmm. And I just can't it just makes me want to vomit. Just can't always bring

Dominique Mastrototoro  15:45  
like a stroller, your stroller cover. Oh, my God. Speaking of keeping things dry, and I know you we talked about it earlier when we were talking about like shampoo and conditioner and stuff. We both have curly hair. And so we're pretty particular in our hair care if not anything else in life. Until I have started bringing my own hair towel. This is like a recent thing the last probably four years or so. I bring it I have one that's just for travel. Like I get home I wash it, it goes back in the suitcase. Oh smart. And like, let's be real those towels and hotel rooms like anyone's like you're walking around like you have an elephant on your head. Yeah. Um, so that's like a must for me. If I forget my hair towel. It's like game over. I'm just miserable.

Laura  16:36  
Yeah, I bring my hair towel too. And the thing as well is my hair towel is I believe it's terry cloth because the cotton isn't good for your curls, something something something. It was an overpriced hair towel that I use all the time. But it's what I'm used to. And I can wrap my hair when as it's dry. I know how to wrap my hair, and I can wrap my hair in a way that I can still get Bellamy ready. Because it's not that big thing on the top of your head. It's more secure because it's meant for that. And I can put my makeup on and I can like you know, get things ready for the day without like feeling like my neck is gonna break. I have to tell that

Dominique Mastrototoro  17:14  
like straight hair, and you just get out of the shower and it dries perfect. God bless you don't tell us but yeah, don't don't tell. But that is not like you have a very finite window when you have curly hair of stepping out of the shower and getting it into your towel and then getting it style. And if Yeah, any step or any minute in that process. You basically need another shower.

Laura  17:38  
Oh yeah, it's dunzo

Dominique Mastrototoro  17:40  
it's like, game over.

Laura  17:42  
Yeah, you can't I mean, I have to put my gel and hair lotion and like while I'm standing in the shower, that and then it's like and then I like get dressed and then I wrap it and

then you know it's a process guys. Maybe someday we'll just do a curly haired podcast for you guys about keeping your curls while traveling. We

 We should have Haillie on because she's the one that turned me on to all the products I use today because she is like the real curly. She is like me. Oh, I'm so jealous. She I mean I'm happy with my girls but hers are like perfect

Dominique Mastrototoro  18:01  
She could be our first guest appearance

Laura  18:19  
not gonna want to but I'm gonna make her. I'm gonna make her um, something else. That's like a funny thing. Maybe medical thing is I have to have headache medicine. Sean and I are both migraine sufferers. And so I either buy a little bottle to go or I have a little like, it's like a Monday through Sunday pill case, but I just put like, one will be excedrin which I can't take now because I'm pregnant that makes you sad. But I'll bring it for Sean and then you know like ibuprofen or Tylenol, like you know, whatever it is because on the plane at the park like it that has to be honest. I mean, it's with me in my everyday life. So that's, that's something I I always have and with my headaches as I get older, I always have to have a ca or a visor because the sun on a bad day could just trigger a migraine and I'd be down for the count so I'm that person with the hat and my minnie  until the sun goes down that's me.

Dominique Mastrototoro  19:24  
Well I was just gonna say I was like that's that's the next thing on my list is yes, I will most likely buy a pair. Even if I tell myself I don't like any then one just pops out and stares you in the face and says Please buy me Oh, but packing a couple or a few or more pairs of ears and I you know picking them to theme to that vacation. That's that and packing my magic bands. Her loved one are like my my Oh Hey, this this is a Disney trip. Like I got, I've got my packing cube with my ears in it. I have my magic bands in with them, and I wear mine on the plane. So you're like ready to go. And that to me is like a that's a Disney bag.

Laura  20:17  
Oh yeah. Always like you have your one with you that's on your like carry on, like your magic band that you're gonna like use when you get to the airport. And then I pack. Basically all of them because I can't decide in my bag. My mom actually got me and I can't remember the brand. I'll have to I'll have to send you a picture. She bought me a travel ear case. It's so cute. So it's like black, like fake leather. And then there's like a red bow on it. And when you open it, it's square and so there's like a colander in the middle and then your ears go around it shit. That's also where there's a little bit of extra room. So that's where all like stuff, stuff my magic bands in there and bells magic bands and Sean doesn't care. So he brings like one or two but he doesn't understand how special they are. But our last our last trip a couple of months ago. Um, you know, you get to the Magical Express and Belle and I like already ever medic bands on and we're like, you know, ready to go. And so I just was the first one to the desk. So I scanned and I told you know, three people that follow blah, blah, blah. And she saw that Belle had her magic band on and was like, Okay, let me scan your band. And Belle was like, so excited. And I was like, Oh crap, do I need my band? And she's like, no. It's just Disney magic. Like, he's like, unprepared Oh, my gosh, like we've done this a million times. You know, you only need one magic band, but but Val like thought it was so cool. And she was like, Look, you made it light up and this is where you're going and get in this line. And I was like, okay, and I just I thought that was funny. I was like, Sean, you're like look oh, stress. , you didn't have a magic band. If you guys want, he would have left them. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  22:04  
If you guys want to see something cute go look at Laura's reels. And from the last I think it was your last trip. Yeah. She has a reels of Bellamy scanning her magic band to go into magic kingdom. And it's like, I mean Bellamy is like my spirit animal. It's just the cutest thing. Go to for reals given all the love because it's just adorable.

Laura  22:32  
Thank you. Yes, that was really sweet that was in that out. So that was the same trip and that was another like just little Disney magic. We like there weren't a lot of people in line, whatever. And we scan and I just said to the woman like she practices scanning her magic man at home and she tells me like it's gonna turn green and then I'm gonna go and she was like, take a picture, take a picture, come back. Honey come back and she like has Belle come back. And she's like, scan your magic band again. So I like taking my photos so it was very

Dominique Mastrototoro  23:05  
nice. I love it. Speaking of taking pictures, um, this is a fairly new a new thing that I bring. Yeah, but my husband laughs at me I'm sure if you've purchased them Sean laughs at you. I have a phone ring light. 

Laura  23:26  
I don't have one yet. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  23:27  
I need it as well as a portable mini tripod.

Laura  23:32  
So I don't have the ring light yet I need it. Just do it. I'm gonna do it. Um I do have a tripod and one with birthday money I bought like a phone Speaker I don't know why or not speaker microphone I don't know why I'm not making videos I'm not I don't make a lot of reels because I'm like, that's not my mindset you know that I packed them just in case an emergency happened and I needed them.

Dominique Mastrototoro  24:02  
I love that we also I always have our GoPro camera on us Justin and I use our GoPro for all of our adventuring like well we kayak and bike and stuff at home. But we also use it to take video whenever we travel and I I grew up just always having a video camera around. Maybe that's the way why I am the way I am. Most of our fun most of our videos as like me as a child start with is the camera on me mom.

Laura  24:40  
That's amazing.

Dominique Mastrototoro  24:42  
That's pretty much in every single video of my life is is the camera on me get a video of me mom. Oh my god. I used to like talk to the camera as if it were human and not an inanimate object. We'll say it's only child syndrome. Yeah,

Laura  25:01  
that was your sibling.

Dominique Mastrototoro  25:03  
That's what it was. It just never talked back and gave me all the attention. It was fantastic. Yeah.

Laura  25:09  
Very different from real siblings

Dominique Mastrototoro  25:13  
I love having those kinds of memories. And so I we do always bring our GoPro as well. If you're a video recording family, I highly recommend, like getting it off your phone and getting some type of camera thing. We love the GoPro because it does everything been. It's just nice to have those memories and you can you don't have to do anything with them. You can keep them in the cloud, we watch them right from the cloud all the time, right? That's just, it's nice to have something other than a static photo sometimes.

Laura  25:48  
Yeah, I like that we are not good with, like, I'll take a photo or I'll take videos on my phone. Um, but I'm, I'm not someone that takes a lot of videos, unless it's like something very specific. But I love when I see other people's videos, so I obviously enjoy it. So is it like one of the little square ones, and then you have it on a stand?

Dominique Mastrototoro  26:11  
So yes, it's, it's tiny. I'll post a picture of it when this episode goes live. It's tiny, tiny, we have one that has the display on both the back in the front. So if you can see yourself our first one that we had had no display, so you were just like recording blindly. So this one has the displays. And you can do it handheld so you can literally just like hold the square like you're holding a phone or you can put it on a stick. Or there's tons of other like for running Justin has the chest harness. Oh kind of a fits like a light up if you're a runner and you wear like a light up vest. It fits the same way as that. Okay, you can also put it on. Like we have it on our bike helmets. We have an attachment on our kayak you can buy there's like a some type of baseball cap attachment thing though. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So I really like it. It's very versatile. It's pretty much indestructible. It's waterproof. So again, in Disney, you're not worrying about like, Oh, I'm recording. Oh, shoot, there's a raindrop. Let's hurry up and get this put away. Right. So I thoroughly enjoy it. I love I love video memories. I'm a big like, let's just sit down and watch hours of video. Yeah, I'm blind.

Laura  27:31  
That's sweet. I have never even watched my wedding video. We have it and I've never and we've never watched it. And Sean doesn't know why we paid for it. And I'm like, because one day we're gonna watch it. It's gonna make us happy. So just wait for the moment to be right. Don't push it. Yeah, I think it's just laziness on my part. But that's why I got this thing. I do have this stand from my phone. And it's one of those like gorilla stands. They want it to wrap it on the handlebar of our stroller and then record like walking down Main Street, like almost just like B roll of my life. And I've done it like I've done it once I just always like forget to do it. But it is kind of cute like because Sean is usually walking with Belle in front of the stroller. And you know, you can just like see what's happening or how crowded it is. But again, that's not my how my brain works. So like, I don't think of it when I get there. Unless there's something like very specific that I'm trying to capture. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  28:31  
Yeah, if you're with me watch out because I'm just a big, I just hit record. And then people talk. Oh, good. Well, that's on camera now.

Laura  28:41  
Is that how you got me on camera?

Dominique Mastrototoro  28:44  
This is all making sense. I just like to record life. I like to remember, you know, the, the plan things I feel like are always gonna have pictures. And it's those in between moments that get missed. Yeah. So having having the GoPro and like you said, I mean, I'll literally just turn it on as we're walking down Main Street like nothing will be going on. He might kill me for saying this. But when Justin records ever everyone starts with and here we are. And we'll be like it'll be the same video but we'll have like, stopped it walked a little bit and started again and without file. And here we are.

Laura  29:30  
I mean, like we've been here. We've been in the same spot. I appreciate that. 

Dominique Mastrototoro  29:35  
We now have the display because every video also used to start with like a close up of our faces. Totally remember the little blinking light. Aha would not only be like a close up of your face, but it would be like here we are. And it would be like radios, right? And you're like, Oh, I love you, Justin. I do Oh. Well, I also like that makes me happy like me. During 2020, there was a period where we were watching a bunch of videos and maybe we were crying. We were laughing so hard that every like five minute chunk was and here we are. I got it where Disney?

Laura  30:17  
Right? Okay, let me know because it was a video This isn't an audio track. I love them.

Dominique Mastrototoro  30:26  
I love it. I love it so much.

Laura  30:28  
I'm so looking at my list. I have a couple old lady things that I bring. And I and I say that without a fence, so

Dominique Mastrototoro  30:38  
that she's four years younger than me, well just put that out there.

Laura  30:42  
I'm in my 30s now, she's always like, let's remember, you're 31 and I'm like, I feel 21 so I'm gonna need you to back off her old lady, except when I need my old lady things. So now that I These are two things I've added since being pregnant that I will probably use always on the plane, I wear compression socks, and I look like an idiot and I don't care. But that's like a big it's typically when you're pregnant. I believe they said like a flight over four hours, it's like, really recommend it. We're like a two and a half hour flight from Orlando. So it's not as long but it's just I just like knowing that I'm doing something good for my blood flow and not like swelling, my ankles and all the things. And then I have now invested in the next fan because it's just too darn hot to not have one

Dominique Mastrototoro  31:31  
you guys I just bought live the other day because I remember Laura posting about that

Laura  31:36  
It's so it's so great. I will say this, if you don't have enough fan and you're looking to get one, they are really great. Turn it off when you're walking because it doesn't make a difference. You're just wasting battery because it's just blowing air behind you. But like if you're just like standing and eating in Epcot, turn your neck fan on because

Dominique Mastrototoro  31:59  
there's our advice for eating. Yeah. Watching or standing and waiting for a character of eating

Laura  32:09  
and eating all the cheese. Put your fan on, it's good.

Dominique Mastrototoro  32:14  
For the plane, I also bring a travel scarf. Okay, so it folds up into like itself and becomes a little pillow. But as someone who's always cold and kind of a germaphobe like pre 2020 I like to have something that I can just put over me or I can put it behind my hair as I lean up against the sea. Yeah. And if you guys were there for princess weekend, 2020, the Friday before the 10k and the 10k. And really, I mean the whole weekend, we're freezing. Oh my gosh. And I like had to open my suitcase and because usually I don't use it on the trip, bust out my travels. And we're like, all day around the to. Like every picture is Muna winter hat and that scarf that day, it was so cold, it was so cold. I highly recommend mine is a guy. Um, so it's an athletic type material. 

Laura  33:18  

Dominique Mastrototoro  33:19  
if you are going to get one, I highly recommend getting some type of athletic one. 

Laura  33:25  
Okay, I like that. I we were talking about how you don't like your hair touching the back of the seat. And I was saying that I have that thought every time I'm at a movie theater or an airplane. But I just let it run out of my head because I have too many other. I have too many other anxieties going through my head. And so I have to let that one go.

Dominique Mastrototoro  33:44  
I haven't let that one go yet. Maybe someday. Oh, you're we're all entitled to our own stresses. Thank you. Thank you. I also bring and I think this is fairly common now I hope, I don't know. Um, my own reusable straws and little utensil set. Yeah, I know, kind of harkening back to the festivals or just eating in the parks, they do have utensils, they have the little like push button, drop the silverware down utensil containers, but without fail. Like, I'll get one of go to find an empty table. I'll sit at my table and I'll like do something because I talk with my hands and like swipe my fork off the table. I'm already all set up like there's no right there's you're now committed there's no going back for it right? Um, so I my utensils have come in handy. And some of the parks Animal Kingdom, and I think all of the Starbucks locations but I'm not sure because I don't drink Starbucks.

Laura  34:46  
I'm going to say that do you have to say you shouldn't say that out loud. Anything. I know but in real life. You don't drink Starbucks either. So it's not a design.

Dominique Mastrototoro  35:00  
In real life, I make it in a home. I

Laura  35:05  
had to run around this morning to get a pumpkin spice.

Dominique Mastrototoro  35:10  
Selling. So if I'm gonna get a coffee out, I'm gonna be loyal and get a Dunkin. Like, ah,

Laura  35:20  
I mean, I've nothing against Dunkin. Like, really like they're a big, big thing. Fine, we don't argue about coffee. I just wish you wouldn't say it.

Dominique Mastrototoro  35:31  
I won't say never again. I would. So we would. I don't. I don't drink it. But we, as we talked about it, Episode Two and like you said, how you haven't let yourself start collecting anything. Disney merch wise. I don't even know why. But Justin and I started collecting just the Disney ones. The Starbucks location mugs. Oh, they're so cute. And the mini ones. So the espresso ones. They're so cute. They're so cute. And we joked we were like, oh, and they don't really say Starbucks. Okay.

Laura  36:08  
I've never bought one there. They're very cute. But they're

Dominique Mastrototoro  36:11  
I we have to we need two more. And then the two has the it's a whole process. We started this process. But there

Laura  36:19  
see that's why I don't collect things because I would have to finish it. But you are correct. Especially in Animal Kingdom. They do not let straws and I don't think the Starbucks has I to bring a utensil set because I just have it anyway from hashtag mom life. But something to think about I mine is metal. And I've taken it several times through the airport. And then one time my knife that flag and I was like throw it away. They're like, ma'am, you have a knife in your bag. It's a butter knife toss it I'm not gonna complain over a butter knife. Why would you bring a metal knife through the security and I was like, I've done it 1000 times for a utensil set, but I'm not gonna argue with them. Just toss it. Toss it right down my name put me on a list like. So I do try to remember if I can remember to just at least take the metal out. But I also feel like it makes me feel better when I'm in Epcot because it's less waste. So I feel like I'm like, yeah, maybe helping the environment a little bit.

Dominique Mastrototoro  37:23  
Mine is, I think it's melamine. It's like that outdoor day. Yeah, like outdoor wear is. And so that that's never been flagged. Thankfully, if you Jinx me, put it in my in my checked bag from now on.

Laura  37:36  
Yeah, you might as well just just to be safe.

Dominique Mastrototoro  37:39  
Things like that. Like I wouldn't necessarily I always have my straws on me. Because I feel like not giving out straws is a fairly common practice just in life now.

Laura  37:50  
Oh, yeah. Yeah, I don't like I'm embarrassed to ask for one at Starbucks. Like, I have to have mine If I'm getting an ice because I'm not going to ask them for a straw

Dominique Mastrototoro  37:59  
anymore. But that again, like I wouldn't necessarily always carry silverware in my pocketbook. And so that's like, such a Disney thing. to just have on you. Yeah,

Laura  38:14  
I I carry it every day. But if that's that mom thing, yeah, you know, small human defeat. That's like weird levels of preparedness you have to have every day.

Dominique Mastrototoro  38:26  
And I think that's the biggest thing with Disney trips in general is people are like, Oh, it's so overwhelming. Or, oh, I need a vacation from my vacation and that kind of thought process. But if you just take that little extra time, pre trip when you're doing your packing list or doing your packing, to look at it and say, You know what's going to make my life easier. And if you've never been to Disney, this is the perfect podcast for you. Perfect episode, because now you know, some of the things you might not think of in everyday life. Yes,

Laura  39:00  
it's definitely different lists from from everyday life. And it takes a little bit of preparedness to not feel, like, overwhelmed, but it I mean, it's worth it. It always it always kind of helps.

Dominique Mastrototoro  39:13  
It does. I think it's such a game changer in terms of, then when you're there, you know, you grab your stuff from your carry on, you toss it in your park day bag, and you go into the parks and you live your life 

Laura  39:13  
They always talk about, I hear it a lot and like mom talks like decision fatigue, and it's just real in everyday life too. So if you take out some of the decision fatigue of what you need for Disney or what's going to help you, you know, it might be an extra thing to pack but it's gonna be really nice to have like, your straw and your fork or like, you know, whatever. Sometimes I bring like dawn wash or buy it. Buy it when I get there like so I can just wash thing, and it's like okay, that's done. It's out of my brain. I can go Have fun now. I'm moving on, you know, I'm ready. Yeah, I'm ready to have a good time.

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